Switch jpg to pdf
Switch jpg to pdf

Smallpdf is an online website that uploads and process documents on the cloud, on our servers. While you’re on our platform, check out these other free to use tools to convert gif graphics, as well as pdf documents:Ĭompress - GIFs are bulky, so why not convert them to pdf and then resize their file sizes further?Ĭonverter - to turn your image files (GIF, TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG) to not just PDF, but also Word, PPT, and Excel.ĮSign - create and sign PDFs with digital signatures. With over 20 million monthly users, we have the most popular online PDF converter for you to convert GIFs and many other file formats to PDF, all for your convenience. Each animation from the graphics interchange format will save in different PDF pages.

Switch jpg to pdf