Video of actual ww ii tank battle near the cathedral in cologne, germany
Video of actual ww ii tank battle near the cathedral in cologne, germany

video of actual ww ii tank battle near the cathedral in cologne, germany

The cathedral suffered fourteen hits by aerial bombs during the war. Seen here is an aerial black and white photo of the famous Cologne Cathedral during World War II. View pricing below video player.The Cologne Cathedral stands tall amidst the ruins of the city after Allied bombings, 1944 This historic stock footage available in HD video. medics treating casualties in wooded area. A sign posted on bridge pillar reading: "Cross the Rhine with dry feet, COURTESY OF 9TH ARMD DIV." View from vehicle crossing the bridge. View from wreckage of the Cologne Cathedral. The Panther Tank is hit again from the American Pershing tank, and goes up in flames and smoke. German Army soldiers jump from the Panther tank. Army gunner Corporal Clarence Smoyer in a M-26 series Pershing tank (a T26E3) with a 90mm gun, at position at the An den Dominikanern and Marzellenstraße crossroads. German Mark V Panther tank is hit by fire from U.S. City buildings of Cologne seen destroyed with rubble everywhere. Infantry moving along roadway with Cathedral visible in near background. Tank firing causes part of a building to collapse. A German soldier emerges from building with hands held up in surrender. Army 3rd Armored Division tanks in streets of Cologne, and soldiers with small arms firing at buildings in clearing operations from building to building. infantry firing from behind pile of rubble. Towers of Cologne Cathedral visible in background. troops entering center of Cologne, Germany. Civilians holding their ears, as they watch. troops loading and firing 155 mm long tom guns. troops reads, "I'll walk Cologne" with arrow pointing (alluding to popular song, "I'll Walk Alone.") U.S. Army M10 tank destroyers move into town towing 155mm long tom guns. Numerous trucks filled with German prisoners of war. Graffiti scrawled on wall reads "Hitler ist Kaput". German civilian refugees walking on a road.

video of actual ww ii tank battle near the cathedral in cologne, germany

German soldier POWs (prisoners of war) being herded under guard of American Army forces. Several German civilians walking together. One soldier plays a French horn, as he marches into town. tanks and infantry entering outskirts of Cologne, Germany. View from cottage window of American infantrymen swarming across a field. Infantry and tanks moving across open fields. troops huddle together on Sherman tanks late in World War 2 in Europe.

Video of actual ww ii tank battle near the cathedral in cologne, germany